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Project 9 notebook - page

To have a self is to have enemies, and to be a self is to be at war.

The human body is an energy system … which is never a complete structure; never static; is in perpetual inner self-construction and self-destruction; we destroy in order to make it new. Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

Reality does not consist of substances, solidly and stolidly each in its own place; but in events, activity; activity which crosses the boundary; action at a distance. Whitehead finds his paradigm in a text from Francis Bacon: "It is certain that all bodies whatsoever, though they have no sense, yet they have perception. . .

F. Bacon

In the deepest level of the unconscious we find not fantasies, but telepathy.

The schizophrenic world is one of mystical participation; an "indescribable extension of inner sense"; "uncanny feelings of reference"; occult psychosomatic influences and powers; currents of electricity, or sexual attraction-action at a distance.

“'That chair – that wall. I could be that wall. It's a terrible thing for a girl to be a wall.”

Schizophrenics pass beyond ordinary language (the language of the reality-principle) into a ‘truer’, more symbolic language: "I’m thousands. I’m an in-divide-you-all. I’m a no un (i.e., nun, no-un, no one). " [The language of Finnegan’s Wake. James Joyce and his daughter, crazy Lucia, these two are one.] The god is Dionysus, the mad truth. Abolition of the principium individuationis.


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